Direct Sale & Auction | Consignment & Auction – Our Guide

How to Consign

Consignment & Auction – Our Guide

Submitting material to us is quite easy. Just give us a call or write an email.
Our experts will talk with you about everything important. You can rely on that!

Our guide takes you through the whole process, step-by-step.

Everything You Need to Know:

1. Contact Us

Our specialists examine and valuate attractive individual objects and collections as well as bulk lots and estates. During a telephone call, our expert gathers everything he or she has to know in order to make an initial appraisal. You will get information about what will happen next.

Of course you can also send us an email – with photos or scans of your objects attached, if possible.

2. Make an Appointment

We take a personal look at your material. Either at our business premises or – especially when it comes to larger and higher-value objects – at your place. Please make an appointment for this meeting which is non-binding and free of charge for you.

3. Submit Your Material

If you prefer to send us your material by mail, we will pay the postage for you. Please contact us before you send everything on its way. Every package is automatically insured by us.

After receipt, we will send you a written note of confirmation or give you a call.

4. Purchase or Auction – the Choice is Yours!

DIRECT PURCHASE: If you wish, we will be happy to make you a purchase offer.

AUCTION: Would you prefer to consign your material for auction? Then we will conclude an auction contract with you. With that contract, we commit ourselves to competently evaluate and describe your material, to promote it in the best possible way, and to auction it professionally.

5. Auction of Your Objects

You have decided to consign your items to our auction? An overview of the proceedings is provided here:

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Lot Description + Starting Price

After our experts have checked and processed your material, we will send you a detailed list. It contains the descriptions, and starting prices with which your items will be put up for auction.

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Auction catalog

Obviously we will send you the auction catalog in which we present your material to the interested public in every corner of the world.

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The time has come! We cordially invite you to participate in the auction featuring your objects. In the case of hall auctions, we would be happy to greet you at our premises. You may do so conveniently for some special auctions via the Internet.

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Post-Auction Sale

We offer objects that were not auctioned off (“unsold lots”) for up to 6 weeks in post-auction sales.

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Shortly after the auction, you can see online how much your objects have yielded. We will send you the printed list of results (“hammer prices”) a few days after the auction.

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About 6 weeks after the auction, you will receive the final settlements from us.