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Ordering the „Briefpost Thurn und Taxis” volumes

In 2017, the first volume of Jürgen Naab’s book project “Frankaturen Briefpost Thurn und Taxis” could be introduced. After three years of intensive work are now published:

Volume 2 Korrespondenzen Postverein, Hansestädte, Hohenzollern (436 pages)
Volume 3 Korrespondenzen Postveriensausland (528 pages)

All three volumes now provide a comprehensive overview of the letter post frankings of the Thurn und Taxis mail. Together with volumes 2 + 3, a meaningful errata of volume 1 will be sent.

Purchase prices: 
Volume 2+3 in a bundle: 135,- €
Volume 2  individual delivery: 70,- €
Volume 3 individual delivery: 90,- €

Interested parties who do not yet own the first volume will receive it free of charge when ordering volume 2 and/or volume 3.

Order your personal examples in a bundle for 135,- €** now:
Call us at +49-(0)7142-789 0 or
e-mail us: info@philatelie-gaertner.de

** incl. VAT and shipping costs (only for domestic shipping)
Only while stocks last.

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